Here are some recommendations of children's books with a Scottish theme.
I also have links so you can buy them from - if you buy them this way, Amazon will pay me commission
on each book bought, which will help offset my costs in running this web site.
Maisie's Festival Adventure (1988), ISBN: 1871512042
Maisie's Mystery Tour (1989), ISBN: 1871705029
What Maisie Did Next (1991), ISBN: 1871512093
Maisie's Merry Christmas (1995), ISBN: 1871512468
Maisie Meets her Match (1990), ISBN: 1871705037
Maisie Loves Paris (1989), ISBN: 1871512050
Maisie in London (1988), ISBN: 1871705045
Maisie Goes to Hospital (1989), ISBN: 1871512069
Maisie Jumps into Japan (2000), ISBN: 1871512654
Maisie Goes to a Wedding (2000), ISBN: 1871512549
Maisie in the Rainforest (1992), ISBN: 1871512298
also in Gaelic: Meusaidh Anns A` Choill-uisge , ISBN: 1871512484
Maisie comes to Morningside (1989), ISBN: 1871705002
Maisie and the Monster (1988), ISBN: 1871705053
Maisie Goes to Glasgow (1988), ISBN: 1871705010
Maisie and the Space Invader (1988), ISBN: 1871512026
Maisie and the Pirates (1998), ISBN: 1871512557
Maisie Goes to School
also in Gaelic: Meusaidh anns an Sgoil (1996), ISBN: 1871512476
Maisie and the Posties (1988), ISBN: 1871512034
Maisie and the Puffer (1992), ISBN: 1871512336
Maisie Digs up the Past (1994), ISBN: 1871512417
Maisie Goes to Hollywood (1994), ISBN: 1871512409
A boggart, who has lived on a remote Scottish island for many centuries, is accidentally transported to the city of Toronto. When this ancient invisible mischief maker meets hi-tech for the first time, he creates chaos on a grand scale. A big city is certainly no place for a boggart.
A sequel to "The Boggart" in which the playful spirit comes to the aid of his long-lost cousin, trapped in the form of the Loch Ness Monster. Emily, Jessup and Tommy join with the Boggart to help Nessie regain his boggart form, and dodge the hordes of scientists and tourists eager to capture him.
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