Hi. Welcome to the Edinburgh Scottish Dance Web pages! | Ceud mìle fàilte gu na duilleige chathan-aodaich mu dheidhinn an dannsadh albainn ann an Dun Éidinn is anns an t-Saoghal! |
Grand Chain is a set of resources for Scottish Dancers the world over, based in Edinburgh. If you do some form of Scottish Dance - be it Scottish Country Dance, Ceilidh, Highland, Step, Reeling, or even Scottish Music, I hope you'll find something useful here. If there's anything else you'd like to see, drop me a line, and (time permitting) I'll see what I can do. Also, if you have any more information about any of the things on my pages, I'd love to hear from you. Please look at this page to find out what information I need for links. You're also welcome to link to me - please see here for conditions and my preferred text.
Dancing Tribute to Andy Murray - there is a new dance here,
The Pride of Dunblane,
in tribute to Andy Murray, Wimbledon Men's Singles Champion 2013. This dance was
premiered at Linlithgow Scotch Hop
on 17th July 2013. For more information
about how this came about, see here.
If you've just come here and don't know much about Scottish Dancing here is a quick overview, and here is a collection of photos on Flickr. If you come here often, here is a list of the latest changes.
Note this site is completely voluntary and I do not get paid for it. Scottish dancing is my hobby, particularly Scottish country dancing, and I provide this resource because I want to share my experience and the experience of others. If you have anything you think could usefully be included in the site, drop me a line and I will be delighted to add it, and full credit will be given. If you want to thank me, an email is welcomed, and new books of dances or albums of Scottish music won't be rejected :-). If you want to help offset my costs in running the site, I am an associate of several online businesses, so if you use them, I get a (very small) cut.
Businesses please note: I am not a business and I will not be buying your product. If you ask nicely and your product is Scottish or dancing related, I will consider adding a link to you but that is all.
I'll skip the tourist bit - there are other ways to find out about Edinburgh, and go straight on to the interesting bits:
I have sections devoted to particular styles of Scottish Dance. If you can't find what you're looking for here or within these sub-pages, please drop me a line at ian@scottishdance.net and I'll see what I can do.
Or try ScotFind Scottish Links engine.
If you have any other links you would like me to include here, please mail me with the URL and some details.
I have now taken over the running of Ian Thompson's event pages, which has given me the incentive to get the first version of my event forms/CGI script finally working - it now also backs Ian's forms.
If you have any comments, or if you have any information you would like me to publish here, please drop me a line - mail address ian@scottishdance.net. I am particularly looking for information on forthcoming events in Edinburgh, and on Scottish dance groups (Ceilidh, Scottish country, RSCDS, Highland, Step or Reeling, I don't care) and Scottish bands around in the world. If there is anything else you would like to see here, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Please note these pages are run on a voluntary basis, and are not tied to any particular group. In particular, they are not the pages of the RSCDS or of RSCDS Edinburgh Branch (although I am a personal member of Edinburgh branch). Obviously the groups I dance with will be better represented, simply because I have more access to the information. I have tried to flag all items which are subjective - these are all based on my own experience unless I say otherwise, and I have tried to be as fair as I can. Basically what I am saying is all opinions are my own, and are just opinions. You may disagree. That's the nature of opinions. (If you do disagree, tell me and I may include your counter-opinion as well).
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Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank