The Cotton Reel

A 4x40 bar Reel for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

Music: "Pick a bale o' cotton".

Bars 1-4: 1st couple cross down one place (2s step up) and cast off (3s step up)
Bars 5-8: 1st couple cross down one place (4s step up) and set while
2nd couple cross down one place (3s step up) and cast off (4s step up)
Bars 9-12: 1st couple cast up one place and cross up while
2nd couple cross down one place (3s step up) and set while
3rd couple cross down one place (4s step up) and cast off.
Bars 13-16: 1st couple cast up one place and turn half way giving right hands, finishing in the middle of the set facing down while
2nd couple cast up one place and cross up while
3rd couple cross down one place and set while
4th couple cross down one place and cast off.
Bars 17-20: 1st couple dance down the middle while
2nd couple cast up one place and turn half way giving right hands, finishing in the middle of the set facing down while
3rd couple cast up one place and cross up while
4th couple cross down one place and set.
Bars 21-24: 1st couple dance up the middle to 3rd place (dancing under an arch made by 2nd couple) while
2nd couple dance down the middle, making an arch to let 1st couple through while
3rd couple cast up one place and turn half way giving right hands, finishing in the middle of the set facing down while
4th couple cast up one place and cross up.
Bars 25-28: 1st couple cast up and turn half way giving right hands, moving up to 1st position (ie cross up) while
2nd couple dance up the middle to 3rd place (dancing under an arch made by 3rd couple) while
3rd couple dance down the middle, making an arch to let 2nd couple through while
4th couple cast up one place and turn half way giving right hands, finishing in the middle of the set facing down.
Bars 29-32: 1st couple set and dance right hands across half way with 2nd couple while
2nd couple cast up and dance right hands across half way with 1st couple while
3rd couple dance up the middle to 3rd place (dancing under an arch made by 4th couple) while
4th couple dance down the middle, making an arch to let 3rd couple through.
Bars 33-36: 1st couple cross down and cast off into 4th place while
2nd couple set and dance right hands across half way with 3rd couple while
3rd couple cast up and dance right hands across half way with 2nd couple while
4th couple dance up the middle to 3rd place.
Bars 37-40: 4th couple turns once right hands while 1st couple turn 1 1/2 right hands while 3rd and 2nd couples dance right hands across half way and turn right hands (2nd couple once, 3rd couple half way).

Finish in the order 2,3,4,1, ready to start again.

Devised by Ian Brockbank. Copyright June 1998.

The dance's origins go back to the American civil war and the blockades against British ships who wanted to trade with the southern cotton growers. Sailors waiting for cargoes started to amuse themselves by dancing hornpipes and other dances, one of which was called a Cotton Reel in honour of the crop which they waited for.

Well, actually that's a load of codswallop (generously provided by a friend of Shiobhan O'Donnell). Shortly after I wrote this dance, one of the members of the highland-dance mailing list was persuaded by her boyfriend to ask the list about "The Cotton Reel". From the responses received on the list, she realised she had been had, so to turn the tables on him, it was suggested that a "Cotton Reel" be written. Given I hadn't yet come up with a name for this dance, I offered its services in this regard.

As you will see, this is yet another experiment with repetition. This time I decided to try having the repetition within each turn, so have 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples repeating the same set of movements starting 4 bars apart (with a bit of a fudge to collect them all again in the right places on bars 37-40). Although I originally called this a canon as well, Anselm Lingnau suggested a fugue would be more consistent with other devisors' terminology (particularly Hugh Foss's collection of fugues on Waverley, of which Fugal Fergus is probably the best known). So I concur. This is not a canon, it's a fugue.

If you try this dance, please let me know how you get on.

Note: Bars 37-40 corrected on 11th March 2002 so that 1st couple turn 1 1/2 and 4th couple turn once (rather than the other way round).

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This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland

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