O'er the Water to Charlie

A Hebridean Solo Step Dance

Note - there are various versions of this around. The version from D.G. MacLennan is given first, and then others are given as variations from the MacLennan version.

Version 1: D.G. MacLennan.


Bars 1-8: Stand for 8 Counts then Bow as in Highland Fling for 8 Counts.

Step 1:

Bars 1-2: With Disassemble onto LF to start dance 2 hop brush beat beat movements with RF as the WF. Count 1 and (and) a 2, 3 and (and) a 4.
3-4: With Spring onto RF repeat Bars 1-2 contra with LF as the WF.
5: Spring onto LF and dance 1 hop brush beat beat with RF as the WF.
6: Repeat Bar 5 contra with LF as the WF.
7-8: Dance 4 Spring Points in 4th Pos. springing LF, RF, LF, RF... Count 5, 6, 7, 8.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 2:

Bars 1: Hop LF pointing R Toe in 2nd Pos. Count 1 Hop on LF pointing R Toe in 3/5th Pos. Count 2.
2: Repeat Bar 1 contra springing onto RF to start. Count 3, 4.
3: Spring onto LF to dance a Hop Brush Beat Beat with RF. Count 5 and (and ) a 6.
4: Repeat Bar 3 contra with LF as the WF...Count 7 and (and) a 8.
5-6: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra.
7-8: Dance 4 Spring Points as in Bars 7-8 of Step 1 hopping LF to start.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 3:

Bars 1-2: Quick Hop on LF and Step forward on Ball of RF to 4th Pos. Count &1 Quick hop on RF and Step backward on Ball of LF to 4th Rear Pos. Count &2. Quick Hop on LF into Bourree under from R to L side. Count &3 and 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra.
5-8: Repeat Bars 1-4.
NOTE:- This is a Half-Step. The movement in this step is similar to a Strathspey Setting Step known as 'Glasgow Highlanders'.

Step 4:

Bars 1-2: Disassemble onto LF to start the Shake Shake Down movement with RF. Count 1 and 2. Now dance 2 Retires onto LF then onto RF making a complete turn to the R to finish facing the front. Count &3 &4.
3-8: Repeat Bars 1-2 three more times with alternate feet to start.
NOTE:- This is a Half-Step.

Step 5:

Bars 1: Hop LF and Point R Toe in 2nd Pos. Count 1. Hop LF and place RF in 3rd Rear Aer. Pos. Count 2.
2: Hop LF to start a Hop Brush Beat Beat movement with RF... Count 3 and (and) a 4.
3: Hopping LF to start a Shake Shake Down movement with RF as the WF.. Count 5 and 6.
4: Travelling to L side place L Heel in 2nd Pos. and Close RF to LF in 5th Rear Pos. Now place LF on the Half-Point in 2nd Pos. and Close RF to LF in 5th Rear Pos. Count and 7 and 8.
5-16: Repeat Bars 1-4 three more times with alternate feet to start.

Step 6:

Bars 1: Hop LF to start a Hop Brush Beat Beat movement with RF as the WF. Count 1 and (and) a 2.
2: Place Half-Point of RF towards 2nd Pos and Close LF to RF in 5th Rear Pos. then place Heel of RF in 2nd Pos. and close LF to RF in 5th rear pos. Count and 3 and 4.
3: Balance on ball of LF extending RF to 2nd Aer. Pos. low then place in 5th Rear Pos. Now step on ball of LF towards 2nd Pos. on L side and close RF to LF in 5th Rear Pos. (Bourree Derriere). Count &5 and 6
4: Execute 2 changes finishing with RF then LF in front in 3/5th Pos. Count 7, 8.
5-16: Repeat Bars 1-4 three more times starting with alternate feet.

Version 2: MacLachlan

N.B- :- Only those differences to Version 1 are noted. It is understood that Bars 9-16 will be repeated in a contra manner.

Step 2:
Bars ...
3-4: Spring LF to start and execute 2 Hop Brush Beat Beat movements with RF as the WF both times. Count 5 and (and) a 6, 7 and (and) a 8.
5-6: Repeat Bars 3-4 contra.


Step 4:
1-6: Same as for Version 1 but making a complete turn to the R during these 6 bars.
7-8: Dance 4 Spring Points in 4th Pos. springing onto LF, RF, LF, RF. Count 5, 6, 7, 8.

Step 5:
4: Different from Version 1 in the Direction of the Travel. Use 4th Inter. Pos. instead of 2nd Pos.
8: Execute 2 Spring Points in 4th Pos. springing onto RF then LF. Count 7, 8.

Step 6:
3: Dance a quick hop on LF before the Bourree instead of balancing on LF
16: Change finishing LF in front in 3rd/5th Pos. then leap and change finishing RF in front in 3rd/5th Pos. Count 7, 8.

Version 3: S.D.T.A.

N.B. - Only those differences to Version 1 are noted. It is understood that Bars 9-16 will he repeated in a contra manner.

Step 2:
Bars 1-8: Same as for Version 2.

Step 3:
1-2: Make a l/8th turn to the R on Counts &l &2 then face the front for Counts &3 and 4.

Step 4:
1-8: As for Version 2.

Step 5:
1-8: As for Version 2.

Step 6:
3: Same as in Version 2.
4: Dance 2 Spring Points in 4th Pos. springing onto LF then RF. count 7, 8.
15-16: Assemble LF in front in 3rd/5th Pos. then execute 3 leaps changing feet each time on landing in 3rd/5th Pos. Count 5, 6, 7, 8.

Version 4: Australia

This version is as for Version 3 with a difference in the order of the movements of Bars 1-2 of Step 4. The Retires are executed first followed by the Shake Shake Down and the Retires are danced onto the RF then the LF then RF for the Shake Shake Down. Like Step 4 of Version 3 these 2 Bars are danced twice more with alternate feet to start.

Version 5: McConachie


Bars 1-8: Stand 8 counts then bow 4 counts. Pause 3 counts then rise on the balls of both feet in 1st Pos. Count 8.

Step 1:

Bars 1: Disassemble onto LF pointing RF in 2nd Pos.. Count 1 Hop on LF placing RF in 3rd rear aer. Pos.. Count 2.
2: Dance a hop tap hop beat beat with RF as follows:
hop LF then tap the point of RF in 4th Inter. Pos. Count &3.
Hop on LF. Count &. Place the half Point of RF in 3rd/5th Pos. and beat the ball of LF in 3rd/5th Rear Pos. Count a 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra. springing onto RF.
5-6: Repeat Bars 1-2 springing onto LF.
7-8: Dance 4 treble shuffles with RF, LF, RF, LF as the Working Feet-.Count 5 and and a 6 and and a 7 and and a 8 and and a.
Description of a Treble Shuffle with RF: Hop LF and during the elevation the RF is extended to mid 4th Aer. Low Pos. then brought inward with a brush to 3rd/5th Pos. on the half Point as in the Seann Triubhas Shuffle. Count 1. The RF is now re~extended to mid 4th Aer. low pos. with a series of 3 little shake actions. Count and and a.
To dance a treble shuffle with LF repeat instructions for RF contra.
N.B:- It should be noted that these Treble Shuffles were formerly danced in 4th Inter. pos. but have been scripted here in mid 4th Pos. in order to comply with current techniques. J.MacLachlan
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 2:

Bars 1: Hop LF placing R toe inverted in 2nd Pos. Count 1.
Hop LF placing R heel at the Normal angle in 2nd Pos. Count 2.
2: Rear Aerial Ronde with RF as follows:
Hop on LF raising R Leg up in 2nd Aer. pos. with the thigh held out and the knee of R leg bent with the lower part of the limb positioned slightly lower than the thigh with the toe of the WF extended to 2nd Aer. pos. normal. Count 3.
Hop again on LF moving R leg, which is still held the same way, backwards towards 4th Inter. Rear aer. pos. Now Assemble in 3rd/5th pos. with RF placed in the rear. Count and 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars l~2 contra starting with a Disassemble.
5-6: Repeat Bars 1-2 starting with a Disassemble.
7-8: Dance 4 treble shuffles as in Bars 7-8 of Step 1 starting with a release of the LF to Spring onto LF.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 3:

Bars 1: Hop LF and dance a Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat movement with RF. Count &1 and a 2.
2: Now turning to face the Right Diagonal Front (RDF), Spring onto RF in 4th Pos. raising LF up at the rear with the working knee bent and held out to the side and the WF on a level with 3rd Rear Aer. Pos. but not touching the Supporting Leg (SL). Count 3.
Repeat Count 3 contra. Count 4.
3: Still facing RDF dance a Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat with RF. Count &5 and a 6.
4: Traveling backwards to regain the starting position dance the Rear Aer. Ronde with RF. Count 7 and 8.
5-8: Starting with a disassemble repeat Bars 1-4 contra.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 again.

Step 4:

Bars 1: Disassemble onto LF and dance a Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat movement with RF. Count &l and a 2.
2: Hop LF placing RF in 3rd Aer. pos. Count 3.
Hop LF placing RF in 3rd rear aer. pos. Count 4.
3-4: Hop LF and dance a Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat with RF. Count &5 and 6.
Now making a complete turn to the R to finish facing the front Hop on the LF twice keeping the RF placed in 3rd aer. pos. Then spring onto RF in 3rd/5th Pos. at the same time bringing the LF up the back of R Leg to finish in 3rd rear aer. pos. Count 7 and 8.
5-8: Repeat Bars 1-4 contra.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 again.

Step 5:

N.B. When performed in strathspey tempo this movement is known as 'The Glasgow Highlanders setting step. McConachie calls it 'The Eightsome Step' because it was used as a setting step for the Eightsome Reel.
Bars 1-6: This is as for Bars 1-6 of Step 3, Version 1.
7-8: Dance 4 Treble Shuffles with RF, LF, RF, LF starting with a disassemble onto LF.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 6:

Bars 1-2: Dance 2 Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat movements with RF. Count &l and a 2, &3 and a 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra starting with Spring RF.
5: Dance a Hop Tap Hop Beat Beat with RF starting with spring LF
6: Repeat Bar 5 contra.
7-8: Dance 4 treble shuffles with RF, LF, RF, LF starting with spring LF.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step to R and Bow.

Version 6: Ashdown

Step 1:

Bars 1: Dance a Hop Heel/Twist Beat Beat movement with RF as follows:
Disassemble onto LF and place the R Heel inverted in 3rd/5th pos. then twist the R Heel outwards to regain the normal angle of the foot in 3rd/5th pos. Now taking the weight over the R heel, beat the ball of LF in 3rd/5th rear pos. and then beat the half Point of the RF in 3rd/5th Pos. Count &1 and a 2.
2: Repeat Bar 1 contra starting with Spring onto RF.
3: Dance a hop heel/twist beat beat movement with RF starting with Spring LF but this time execute the Heel/Twist in 2nd Pos.
4: Repeat Bar 3 contra.
5-8: First Break as follows:
starting with Spring LF dance Bars 1-2 again. Count &1 and a 2 &3 and a 4. Now dance 4 Seann Triubhas Shuffles springing LF, RF, LF, RF. Count 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 &.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 2:

Bars 1-2: Hopping LF 4 times dance the highland fling shedding with RF. Count 1,2,3,4.
3: Springing onto RF dance the first two counts of the shedding with LF as the Working foot. Count 5, 6.
4: Repeat Bar 3 contra. Count 7, 8.
5-8: Second Break as follows:
Dance bars 3-4 of Step 1 starting with Hop LF then dance 4 Seann Triubhas shuffles springing LF, RF, LF, RF. Count &1 and a 2 & 3 and a 4, 5& 6& 7& 8&.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 3:

1: Hopping LF and making a half turn to the L dance the first 2 counts of the Shedding with RF. Count 1 2.
2: Making another half turn to the L to finish facing the front dance a Hop Heel/Twist Beat Beat with RF. Count &3 and a 4.
3-4: Spring onto LF and repeat Bars 1-2 contra.
5-8: Dance the First Break as described in Bars 5-8 of Step 1.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 4:

Bars 1: Facing the RDF (Right Diagonal Front) and travelling in that direction execute 2 single brushes with LF and RF springing onto RF then LF and brushing the working feet from the rear through 1st Pos. to 4th aer pos. Count 1, 2.
2: Now dance a hop brush beat beat with RF. Count 3 and a 4.
3-4: Travelling backwards to regain starting line dance the shake shake down with RF then with LF. Count 5 and 6, 7 and 8.
5-8: Dance the Second Break as described in Bars 5-8 of Step 2.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 5:

Bars 1: With a quick hop on the LF extending the RF to 4th Inter. aer. low pos. make a step forward onto the ball of RF in 4th Inter. pos. bringing the LF up to 3rd Rear Aer. pos. Now stamp the ball of LF down in 3rd/5th rear pos. with an emphasized beat. Count &1 2.
2: Taking the weight onto LF release RF with an extension to 4th Inter. Aer. pos. then hop on LF to retire with the RF then with the weight on the RF release the LF with an extension to 4th Inter. aer. pos. and hop on RF to Retire' with LF. Count & a 3 & a 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars 1-2 again exactly.
5-8: Execute the First Break as in Bars 5-8 of Step 1.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Step 6:

Bars 1: Hop LF and execute a high cut in front in 3rd Aer. low pos. with RF. Then place the heel of RF towards 2nd pos. Close LF to RF in 3rd/5th rear pos. Count 1& a 2.
2: Now place the half point of RF towards 2nd Pos. and close LF to RF in 3rd/5th rear pos Count and 3 Brush RF out 2nd Aer. pos. and spring onto RF towards 2nd Pos. placing LF in 3rd Rear Aer. Pos. Count and 4.
3-4: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra.
5-8: Dance the Second Break as described in Bars 5-8 of Step 2.
9-16: Repeat Bars 1-8 contra.

Notes compiled by Janet T (Jenny) MacLachlan
Honorary Member, Fellow and Examiner of the B.A.T.D.
Member S.D.T.A.
Member SOBHD (Adjudicator' s Panel)
Fully Certified Teaching Member of the RSCDS
Founder - Western Ontario Highland Dancing Association
Founder/Teacher of the London, Ontario and the Kitchener, Ontario branches of the RSCDS

Converted into HTML by Ian Brockbank (ian@scottishdance.net).

Last modified 8-10-02 .

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